If you asked me how I got to the place of channeling celestial beings I guess I was always open to the idea we had a SOUL. My mother was raised in a Catholic Convent during world war II in Paris. She had books around the house on ESP and reincarnation. She would tell me stories how the nuns told her to pray to Mother Mary and my mother asked why are we not praying to Jesus? The nuns were not too pleased and she got punished. Apparently following rules and praying to Mother Mary is a big deal in France. Even though I was baptized as Catholic, I wasn't raised Catholic. Instead my mom took me to churches, not to pray but rather for the architectural splendor and the art work of stained glass windows. I've been to many different dominions of churches and found them all beautiful. Perhaps that's why I studied religion.
Joseph Campbell was a big influence, he was known for the Hero's Journey. He dedicated his life to study all religions and mythology, and his knowledge was robust and vast. Joseph Campbell was a great scholar.
In that college course of Joseph Campbell we observed the various interpretations of reincarnations in various religions. This idea of reincarnation did make sense to me. It seems that in nature, things are cyclical and recycle, and why not us? Our sun came from a super nova, a prior sun. The idea of energy transforming into a new form seems to be of a natural order. . . if we are energy perhaps we just transform into a new form or life?
The study of energy led me to the study of Quantum Physics for six years. I was amazed and found it magical. Through the understanding of science I understood that energy is eternal and can not be lost. It just goes from being seen to unseen, back to seen, and so forth.
Through the study of energy, I understood that everything is energy including us. All mater is made up of energy. If energy can't be destroyed and is eternal then perhaps my consciousness is eternal too. Another word for consciousness is SOUL.
Because I was open to the possibility of SOUL, the Divine, and higher consciousness, I was able to find mentors and practices to connect to my innerbeing. Going inward and connecting is magical and can't be described. It is one of my greatest passions for me is to facilitate that connection within others. Your SOUL is eternal and has access to infinite intelligence. Believing that you have a SOUL is a start. It will lead you to different levels of consciousness, higher perspectives, more love and so much more.
I am cheering you on to be Scooby Doo Detective!